Friday, April 8, 2011

Clean Eating

Eating clean basically means that foods are selected from those in their natural state; unprocessed and whole. For example tomatoes are a clean food whereas ketchup is not. Homemade tomato sauce may be considered a clean food if it is prepared from scratch with all ‘clean’ ingredients.
This is not necessarily a low calorie approach to dieting with a greater emphasis being placed on the quality of the foods selected. It's important to eat a healthy breakfast every day and never skip meals. Prepare for meals that must be eaten away from home by packing nutritious foods that travel well and by planning in advance.
I try to do five-six small meals every day that are to be composed entirely of clean foods. Each meal should contain around 300-400 calories and must contain protein as well as complex carbohydrates.
Cheat meals are allowed only once a week or so. (I didn't cheat at all my first 90 days of p90x) This means that this is a very strict plan that will require a great deal of discipline in addition to implementing a dramatic overhaul of diet and lifestyle for most people.


Recommended Foods

  • A wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables form the foundation of the diet.
  • Complex carbohydrates include legumes as well as whole grains such as brown rice and oats.
  • Lean proteins such as chicken breast, turkey and fish.
  • Sources of healthy fats include olive oil, avocado and raw nuts.
  • Foods to avoid include all processed foods, refined grains, sugar, foods containing saturated and trans fats and alcohol.

Sample Diet Plan

Morning Snack
Apple with raw nuts and dried fruit
Mediterranean style French lentil salad
Afternoon Snack
Smoothie with fresh fruit and yogurt
Roasted chicken breast with sweet potatoes and asparagus
Apple cranberry crumble
Look for other meal ideas here.

On the whole this is probably one of the best plans available when considered from the perspective of the nutritional quality of the diet. Eating clean requires tremendous discipline and may interfere with some aspects of your lifestyle, but with careful planning it can certainly be achieved and you will see the difference in your body. I do this type of eating in 30-60 day stretches.... I implement the concept into my diet long term but I only stay super committed for shorter, set out, periods of time. 

Check out this article and recipes in Shape Magazine. 

More good recipes here

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Confession Time

One of the things I struggle with constantly is time management. I want to badly to do everything and be superwoman but I know I can't be. I feel spread thin a lot of days and some things just go undone... like dinner. HA! But joking aside, one thing I have agonized over during the last year, is the incredible amount of guilt I feel when I am away from my son or working on things that require him to be on back burner. If I am on the phone or working on the computer and I have to turn the tv on to occupy him, I start feeling like a TERRIBLE mother. When I see him being destructive or lashing out because I know he needs attention, I once again, feel like I am selling him short. I have made a commitment lately to work harder than ever before because I know it's worth it. I LOVE what I do and I am so blessed to have a home business that provides me the ability to be at home. On the flip side, when I am playing with him or at the park or doing kid stuff I start to feel the urgency that I should be working!!!! AHHHHH it's a constant inner battle. I deal with it and I am sure ALL mom's do! I know its only a season of imbalance and trying to keep priority where it needs to be while working hard. I just feel like it's time for me to share this. When London was tiny and slept most of the day- I never though much about it. I was choosing to work instead of watching the Ellen to say "good choice." But now, unless it's during the precious 2 hours of nap time that I HOPEFULLY get, I must choose between those big brown eyes or the passion I have for my business. I am trying to find creative ways to do both! For example last week London colored pictures, mommy made a "to do" list. I know I can't do everything and I know I will fail at times in both my business and as a mother but, God willing, I will strive to do my best in all areas and just trust that my efforts will pay off. I know I am a better mom because I have a purpose and a drive to provide for and help my family. I also know that I am better in my business because I can relate to other mom's doing what I am doing!

Whew, it feels good to just get that off my chest! Well, nap time could end any second... so I should get to work :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Time to take action!

This weekend, I spent time in a training that gave me a LOT to think about. One of the biggest things I came away with is the idea that I need to place urgency and an actual DATE on my goals. Just "saying" I am going to do something is not enough. I have to put a date on it, tell other people and publicly make myself accountable. Goals with no urgency or date are just ideas or hopes. It's great to dream- but put your plan into action! I also found this great 5 step summary to help bring this to life.

5 Ways to Develop A Sense of Urgency
By: Brian Tracy

Perhaps the most outwardly identifiable quality of a high performing man or woman is "action orientation."

1. Take Time to Think and Plan
Highly productive people take the time to think, plan and set priorities. They then launch quickly and strongly toward their goals and objectives. They work steadily, smoothly and continuously and seem to go through enormous amounts of work in the same time period that the average person spends socializing, wasting time and working on low value activities.

2. Getting into "Flow"
When you work on high value tasks at a high and continuous level of activity, you can actually enter into an amazing mental state called "flow." Almost everyone has experienced this at some time. Really successful people are those who get themselves into this state far more often than the average.

In the state of "flow," which is the highest human state of performance and productivity, something almost miraculous happens to your mind and emotions. You feel elated and clear. Everything you do seems effortless and accurate. You feel happy and energetic. You experience a tremendous sense of calm and personal effectiveness.

3. Become More Alert and Aware
In the state of "flow," identified and talked about over the centuries, you actually function on a higher plane of clarity, creativity and competence. You are more sensitive and aware. Your insight and intuition functions with incredible precision. You see the interconnectedness of people and circumstances around you. You often come up with brilliant ideas and insights that enable you to move ahead even more rapidly.

4. Develop a Sense of Urgency
One of the ways you can trigger this state of flow is by developing a "sense of urgency." This is an inner drive and desire to get on with the job quickly and get it done fast. This inner drive is an impatience that motivates you to get going and to keep going. A sense of urgency feels very much like racing against yourself.

5. Create a "Bias for Action"
With this ingrained sense of urgency, you develop a "bias for action." You take action rather than talking continually about what you are going to do. You focus on specific steps you can take immediately. By employing this technique you concentrate on the things you can do right now to get the results you want and achieve the goals you desire.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:

First, select one major task confronting you and launch into it immediately. Don't hesitate. Move fast.

Second, start doing this every morning, first thing, until it becomes a habit.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Real or Fake?

This has been something on my mind for quite a while. The debate between real and artificial sweetener. I don’t want to make this a Master’s Degree paper on all of the insulin triggers and everything else, I just want this to be as real as possible so that YOU can try to plan your diet and get the most out of your workouts.

Now before I divulge my preference, I just want you to refrain from shouting “Hypocrite!” when you see me doctoring up my quad-shot espresso at Starbucks. I am a recovering Artificial Sweetener Addict (ASA) so this is fairly difficult for me.

So what types of sweeteners are available? Many. Let’s check the Mainstream.
Natural (Sugar, Molasses, Agave Nectar, Honey, Stevia, Fructose)
Unnatural (HighFructoseCornSyrup/HFCS, Splenda, Sucralose, Aspartame, Saccharin, Sugar Alcohol such as Xylitol)

The benefits of natural sweetener are that your body is very familiar with how to break down the natural ingredients. This is definitely a bonus from a health standpoint. The PROBLEM is that our bodies are not used to consuming the amount of sugar that we have been ingesting for the last 100 years. It is no wonder that there is a rise in obesity and diabetes with the amount of sugar we consume. That 12oz. Coke? 140 Calories and 40 grams of sugar. Worldwide, the number one caloric contributor is soda! So I tread lightly when I speak highly of natural sugar. Trust me, we could all do with a little less.

The benefits of artificial sweetener are that they offer the same sweet taste but none of the calories. If you replaced a Coke-A-Day with a CokeZero-A-Day you would reduce your weekly calorie intake by 980 calories. Not bad. The problem with these types of sweeteners (sorry friends) is that they are… Artificial! They are usually derived from chemical processes and therefore are not handled well by your body. This is because your stomach really doesn’t like artificial sweetener. It says, “I wasn’t made to process this substance”. There are other issues with artificial sweetener that can be discussed more in detailed articles. If you really want that many details, let me know. They provide false sensations to your body and therefore still provide blood sugar spikes. For info on HFCS, see this article. And, by the way, make sure you look at the labels. HFCS is cheap compared to sugar so it is in almost everything that you buy! (Warning: Long Read)

What can I have, then? I recommend some real sugar in your diet for specific, functional reasons. Post workout, your body should have a mix of simple carbs and protein for muscle recovery. This should happen with about a 4:1 ratio mix of the carbs to protein. Otherwise, I wouldn’t take in too much extra refined sugar just to keep the blood sugar consistent. Stevia (Sun Crystals, Truvia, etc.) are good natural sweeteners that are low/zero calorie. Japan has been using this to sweeten their Diet Coke for the last 20 years. However, it should be used sparingly for the same reasons mentioned with artificial sweeteners about the false sensations for triggering blood sugar increases.

So what should I do? Fill your diet with natural foods that can feed your cravings. Fruit is full of the most natural sweeteners you can get. Any fruit with an edible skin (like apples and peaches) are perfect options. Also, eat plenty of protein and drink lots of water. Shakeology is my perfect sweet-tooth satisfier and it has very low amounts of naturally derived fructose for sweetness. After a few weeks of weaning yourself off of the sugar (or Splenda binge) you subject yourself to every day, you will find that you no longer crave those types of foods.

Looking for more support? Bookmark me or sign up for a free Beachbody account. I would love to help you start a new journey in becoming a more fit, and healthier, version of you!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Attitude & Results

I have been recently listening to and reading a lot of personal development books, by John Maxwell and others. Almost all of the themes of success circle around the concept of overall attitude towards situation and circumstances.  Generally speaking, those who mentally prepare themselves for success seem to find that success in some way or another. I am a firm believer in God and that He is all-powerful and all-knowing.  Whether you believe in this or not, there is still something to be said for those “positive thinkers” out there.  Do you think that some of the most successful people in the world just sat around and waited for good things to happen to them? Think about people who you greatly admire for their success in their lives. Whether this is an achievement of recognition, life change, invention, or anything else they share something. They all had a vision and a plan for their success.

Imagine how different life would be if these great world changers just decided that it was “too hard” or “not worth the effort”. Why do we expect those people to do great things, but we tell ourselves that such things are impossible? Is it not just as important for us to raise the bar and strive for goals and desires that will truly change our lives AND the lives of people around us?

I can go on and on with how important your attitude and vision is towards the results that you will see in your career, relationships, and even your fitness results. Think you are a fit person? Then you will inherently do fit-people things. Do you think you won’t see results from your workout and nutrition routine? Think it’s too hard? Guess what.  IT WILL BE! You will most likely find reasons to give up and won’t see the results if you tell yourself that you can’t be that person.

My life has been completely changed by my new-found ability to dream so huge that my plans can’t even contain my dreams and that has spilled over into every area of my life. Nothing revolutionary about it. It’s about the attitude. I want to challenge you, if you are reading this, to begin with changing your attitude. See yourself as the kind of person who has success. I promise you, if you set your goals high, and don’t stop pursuing them you will see changes in your life that you never expected or could ever conceive.

Friday, February 4, 2011

More Than an Apple a Day

People ask me all the time "how" to eat. It's a great question! Developing healthy eating habits isn't as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine.

Try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure- don't eat more food than your body can utilize. Otherwise, you will gain weight. The more active you are, the more you can eat and still maintain this balance. BUT- Don’t eat fewer than 1,000 calories a day. Your body and metabolism thrive on food. When you fast or crash diet, your metabolism will slow down in order to conserve energy. Imagine your metabolism as a blazing fire. If the fire burns consistently with the appropriate amount of high-quality wood, it will burn at a steady rate. But if it doesn’t have enough wood, the fire goes out. If it has too much wood, it can get out control — just like your waistline!

Following these basic steps doesn't mean that you have to give up your favorite foods. As long as your overall diet is balanced and rich in nutrients and fiber, there is nothing wrong with an occasional Cheat Meal. Just be sure to limit how frequently you eat such foods, and try to eat small portions of them.
You can also view healthy eating as an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat. A healthy diet doesn't have to mean eating foods that are bland or unappealing.
  • Eat every four to five hours. Our bodies work hard to digest and absorb the foods we eat,  and your metabolism revs up in response. This is called the thermic effect of food. Take full advantage of this and schedule meals and snacks every four to five hours.  
  • Make breakfast a priority. Studies show that people who regularly eat a healthy breakfast within two hours of rising are more likely to control their weight. This may be because you’re lifting your metabolic rate after it’s been in a “resting phase” during the night.
  • Eat protein with every meal:All foods create a thermic effect and will slightly boost your metabolism. However, eating protein gives your body a bigger metabolic boost than eating carbohydrates or fats. Plus, eating  enough protein will ensure you’ll maintain and build muscle mass. (Remember, the more muscle mass you have, the greater your metabolic rate). Make sure to incorporate lean protein into most every meal.
Best protein sources: fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, lean red meat, skim milk, nonfat yogurt, eggs and egg substitutes, tofu, beans, and lentils.
Meal Examples:
  • Breakfast: yogurt or eggs whites with fresh fruit
  • Lunch: turkey burger on whole-grain bun and a salad (easy on the dressing)
  • Dinner: grilled chicken with vegetables and a baked sweet potato 

Eating lean protein with every meal is so important but following a few basic guidelines and tips will also help construct a healthy diet.
1. Eat plenty of high-fiber foods— fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. These are the "good" carbohydrates—nutritious, filling, and relatively low in calories. They should supply the 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber you need each day, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates, so there’s less effect on insulin and blood sugar, and provides other health benefits as well. Such foods also provide important vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals essential to good health).

2. Make sure to include green, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables—such as broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits. The antioxidants and other nutrients in these foods may help protect against developing certain types of cancer and other diseases. Eat five or more servings a day...This is REALLY tough yo do and if you don't have the time, money or desire (like me) to do this- Drink Shakeology :)

3. Limit your intake of sugary foods, refined-grain products such as white bread, and salty snack foods. Sugar, our No.1 additive, is added to a vast array of foods. Just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can add up to 16 pounds over the course of a year. Many sugary foods are also high in fat, so they’re calorie-dense. 

4. Cut down on animal fat. It’s rich in saturated fat, which boosts blood cholesterol levels and has other adverse health effects. Choose lean meats, skinless poultry, and nonfat or low-fat or nonfat dairy products.

5. Cut out trans fats, supplied by hydrogenated vegetable oils used in most processed foods in the supermarket and in many fast foods.

6.  Keep portions moderate, especially of high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrĂ©e, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything.

7. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. That is one drink a day for women, two a day for men. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits. Excess alcohol consumption leads to a variety of health problems. And alcoholic beverages can add many calories to your diet without supplying nutrients. If you are trying to lose weight I would stay away form any drink other than water.

One other HUGE help is this nutrition guide. Use it to help figure you caloric needs, pick healthy meals your like and it will give you the recipes and even a grocery list! Enjoy!

HUGE help to me.... Michis Ladder. Try to eat off 1 and 2... sometimes 3, NEVER 4 and 5- if you are trying to lose weight ;) 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Tonight I tried something new... Quinoa! Pronounced "KEEN-wah" I loved it...

It is versatile and delicious and cooking quinoa could not be easier!   Not only that, but quinoa is one of the healthiest foods that you can ever hope to find.  The quinoa nutrition facts are nothing short of impressive.  It has been called a super food and a super grain by experts everywhere.

One thing that is so impressive about quinoa nutritional information is the fact that the protein content of quinoa is of the same quality as milk.  It is unique for a vegetarian protein in that it contains all eight of the essential amino acids.  Most grains do not contain lysine, which is an amino acid that is essential for cellular repair.  This makes quinoa a complete protein.
Quinoa is actually not a grain at all.  Rather, it is a seed.  It is a relative of beets, spinach and chard.  Because it is not a member of the grass family, quinoa is considered the perfect food for those with food sensitivities.  Even people who have wheat intolerance can enjoy cooking quinoa! Even though you have only been able to buy quinoa for the last 10 years or so in the United States, quinoa has been cultivated for over 6,000 years!  It was called the “gold of the Incas” and the “mother grain” centuries ago. 

I just used it as a side dish... just to try the taste and texture. It's really good and now that I know how good it is for me it will be showing up in my diet weekly! Yay for a carb that's not bad for me! 

Friday, January 28, 2011

The beautiful “cheat meal”

For some people, this happens at least three meals a day, seven days a week. Before you know it, the cheat meal becomes the way that you eat and your body grows accustomed to the garbage. You feel horrible. You are tired, irritated and lethargic. You have digestion issues or upset stomach often. Bloating and discomfort are common. However, when you keep your nutrition in check and are consuming lean protein, good carbs, good fats, and plenty of Shakeology, the cheat meal becomes a key to your overall health and fitness plan. A little confused? Let me explain…

There are many benefits of a cheat meal but I will cover three.

1.) Reduce Cravings – If you are eating fairly strictly while working out and you were a food-a-holic before, then you are probably having some pretty intense cravings. Greasy, salty, or sweet usually break people down at some point. While Shakeology is a major craving reducer, I still like to have some real sweets. If you know that you can have a meal + snack a week then you are less likely to cheat during the week AND it keeps you from binge eating after you finish your workout program

2.) Boosts Metabolism – While eating a restricted calorie diet, your body gets used to operating at a certain level. You should be eating small meals often during the week, so hopefully your metabolism (how you burn food) is increasing as well. With a cheat meal, your body enjoys the calories and subsequently boosts your metabolism. This should give you great energy the next day, but it also explains why you still want a big meal after Chinese buffet. In addition, your body is becoming more efficient at burning calories, so it can quickly dismiss a high calorie meal like that. CAUTION: I said one meal. If you do this for three days, then you have to re-train your metabolism.

3.) Lets people know you are human – Anyone that has been on a “diet” (I hate that word, and if you know me then you know why. Diets are temporary.) knows what it feels like to be invited over for dinner or out to eat and not have much control over the menu. While I do advocate being good, sometimes it is unavoidable. In these social settings, it is good for your friends and family to know that you are not a freak and you can eat “normal” food. My mother says that a little bit won’t hurt you. It also keeps you from obsessing over food and not allowing yourself to enjoy it. I do believe wholeheartedly that food=fuel but our bodies were created to enjoy it, too. You should enjoy it in a healthy way.  My CAUTION here: Don’t find lots of reasons to get together just so you can make food excuses. You are doing yourselves no favors here. More often than not, it is better to invite friends and family over so YOU can cook for them.

So there it is. You are now informed. Don’t go buck-wild, but do remember these things as you are approaching the weekend. Trust me. Your mother will thank you for it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2010 changed my body and my life

I love to share my fitness story... it's a visible reminder of how much my life has changed, but really it's SO much more than that. The day I "got it" the day I said... "wow. I see how this works" was the day I went all in with this business. I never really had a dream before I found Beachbody. I never envisioned much for my life and I thought I would live a "good" life working "normal" hours. I always wanted to be successful but I didn't have a ton of direction. I can tell you all day long how much my life has changed, how I have a hope and a vision for my financial future now, but- unless you look deep down and see if you have a dream, it won't mean anything to you. SO, just do something for me... close your eyes and just dream- imagine what you would do with your life if you could choose. Is it what you are doing right now? If not, what are you doing to get to your dream??? If you want the chance to see if this business is for you- just let me know.  

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting Started

So, over the past few months I have thought about starting a blog... and then thought more. For as many times as I have thought about it I could have had a nice blog going by now! Anyways... I have been afraid to start it for no good reason- maybe because I think it will suck and on one will read it... haha. Well today I was reminded how I am always encouraging others to GET STARTED! I tell them "don't put off you success" and "don't wait to make a change tomorrow... chances are you will put it off again." Time to listen to my own advise and jump in head first. I can't promise you earth shattering news or amazing content but I can promise honest thoughts, tips and a look into my journey as I attack life with all the passion in my heart. Thanks for reading and thanks for pushing me to step outside of my own comfort and share my life!